The Gathering with Hope Taylor & Caroline Logan | Recap

It all started with a wish. I've been a big fan of Hope Taylor & Caroline Logan for a while now and while scrolling through Instagram I came across a flyer for The Gathering. I saw the flyer and immediately clicked the link and learned that it was for photographers in their first few years of business and knew immediately that I had to go. I screenshot a picture of the flyer and sent it to my sister and said, "I wish I could go..." and 3 weeks later It was official. I received my invitation in the mail and we made a mini trip to VA and we got to explore around town before heading to cutest venue ever. The reality of going to my first photography workshop did not set in until I was riding up to the gorgeous venue with all of the other girls standing outside in the cutest outfits ever.

I had no idea the impact this event would have on me and my business. There were 80 girls from 18 differents states and I am so happy that I got to meet everyone! These girls were absolutely gorgeous and their work was to die for. Hope and Caroline wore their hearts on their sleeves and were extremely vulnerable letting us in on their struggles that no one would have ever known from the outside looking in. This was my first time meeting them both and I can not tell you just how sweet and welcoming they both were. Did I mention for lunch we had chipotle! Ummm yes, It was amazing!

Both Hope and Caroline gave us insight  into their business and the struggles that they both went through. They shared some very wise words and told us what helped them get through some of the toughest moments in their business. We got a massive amount of tips on social media, branding, communication with clients and how to make what might feel like a failure, a success. Hearing these girls speak was a breath of fresh air, No matter where you are in your business we all have struggles and knowing that the people whose work you admire go through the same thing as you, if not more really makes you feel like your not alone. They did not hold back and completely revealed all the things they battled with in their ongoing journeys and at one point we were almost in tears,yes that is how deep it got.

By the time it was over I left feeling more motivated than ever and ready for all the great things to come for my business. I walked away with lots of information to make some awesome changes in my business and did I mention the goodie bags that we stuffed with mugs, cookies, a notebook & the cutest cards ever?

I seriously wish it could have lasted a few hours longer. It sounds so silly but, It was so hard to say goodbye to everyone I just met only 5 hours ago. Thank you, again Hope and Caroline for sharing your knowledge not only about how you found success but, about how you found success through your struggles.

Exploring around town and of course, I went to Sephora...

Some goodies waiting for us at our seat...

I wouldn't be me if I didn't take a picture with my eyes closed...

Also wouldn't be myself if I didn't get a blurry picture from laughing and not staying still...

I seriously would do it all over again if I could.



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